Online, 24.10.2020
19:15 Uhr
Elliott Waves
Bringing the Theory into the Daily Trading
Many chart technicians gave up learning and applying the Elliott Waves as too many ways of counting drove the trader mad and the accounts to zero. However, the few who continue fighting through the theory often suffer while applying and giving up finally. Thus, the Elliott Waves often have a reputation– at best – of being a nice theory but not applicable for successful trading. That is sad as this technique gives so much more than just the next market direction. The Elliott Waves also provide some valuable ideas about the probabilities what is happening next and thus a good base for calculating the risks.
Rüdiger Born is trading the waves for 20 years, adding some useful tools that help traders in their daily trading routine to find easy ways to trade the Elliott Waves. His technique allows traders to individualize the trading approach to their personal needs from “quick and dirty” just playing the probability game to the hardcore testification of the pattern for the number-crunching geeks.
BORN Traders GmbH
Bettinastr. 30
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Fon: +49 69 97 461 135
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